White Night 2011 – Future Perfect @ Jubilee Library

The crowds at Jubilee Library enjoy one of Lorraine Bowen’s Polyester Fiesta show

White Night has always been a big deal at Jubilee Library, the staff love to be able to open up late at night and do something really unsual. This year’s Utopian display was no different. Hosting the Beatabet collective’s Metahub project and Lorraine Bowen’s ‘Polyester Fiesta’ ‘Fashion’ show, along with Utopian rare books tour and a Sound and Vision quiz, it was a bustling and great night.

You can see from the video above just how busy we were. Here’s a couple of pictures as well to give you a sense of what was going on.

The metahub brain, where members of the public could upload video footage to be streamed onto a kinetic and audio sculpture in the middle of the Library Square.

Lorraine Bowen struts down the catwalk during one of the Polyester Fiesta shows.

And just another look at just how busy the library was!

For more photos of library events, keep your eyes on the Brighton & Hove Libraries Facebook page.

About Alex

Digital comms officer
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