Money Money Money!

Worried about money?

One thing I love about the library service is that we are always expanding. We have long since dispelled the rumour that we are just about books; we do things like children’s activities, computer access, virtual reference, art exhibitions, and our latest expansion: financial inclusion.

Financial inclusion is one of those new buzz words – a lot of us have heard it floating around but not really known what it means. Here at the library service we are just calling it Money Matters… because it does, especially if you’re having trouble with it.

Even if you’re not having trouble with money but just want some tips on how to save a few extra pennies each month, check out the new section of our website on the left hand bar: “Money Matters Online”. Our financial inclusion officer has worked with Advice Brighton & Hove, a local voluntary sector network and other library authorities in the South East to choose the best sites for reliable free information. Even though they are external sites they’ve been thoroughly checked and come highly recommended.

Why not try the budget calculator? Or make sure you’re not missing out on anything you’re entitled to with the benefit calculator? ‘Turn 2 Us‘ also has a great Grant finder service, helping people look for charitable funding.

We also have services on that page just for children and young people. Why not come along to our Money Skills Workshop for 13-19 year-olds on Thursday 8th March 5.30 – 7.00? We have experts coming in to give you advice on ways to save money and jargon busting amongst other things. The session is free and has refreshments included, and you will have the chance to ask questions. It will be held in Jubilee Library’s Young People’s Library.

Elly – Library Officer

For more information on Money Matters check out the section on the library website and please take time to fill out the survey to let us know what you think about it!

We Love Thursdays runs every Thursday in the Young People’s Library at Jubilee 5.30 – 7.00 in term time, and is a study support session for 13-19 year-olds. Trained staff are on hand to help with homework, revision, and even UCAS applications and CVs as well. The library is fully accessible and fully inclusive, with staff able to support young people with a range of additional needs or disabilities.

Illustration by Joe Blann

About Alex

Digital comms officer
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